SAVE THE DATE: Events with California walnuts in the second half of 2024

Plant-based alternatives to conventional meat products are becoming increasingly popular. Good that California walnuts offer enormous potential in this field. Their soft, creamy texture, healthy fats and umami properties make them an ideal plant-based meat alternative. For this reason, focus of the events in which the California walnut industry participates in this year are yet again plant-based food trends:

ProVeg's New Food Conference, which brings together innovators in plant-based products, will take place in Berlin from September 3-4. The need to turn to new sources of protein is the focus of this year's event, where Californian walnuts will be offering sweet and savory breakfast treats as well as a walnut drink.

The California walnut industry will also be present with a booth at the leading trade fair for food ingredients, Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) in Frankfurt. Between November 19-21, you will find us in the USA Pavilion in Hall 3.1 at booth M31.

The California walnut industry will introduce two new prototypes of meat alternatives at this year’s events. In addition, Stefan Wagemans, R&D Manager, Plant-based Unit Bösch Boden Spies, will give a presentation on "Revolutionizing the plant-based market with walnuts". You should not miss this!

If you are interested in a meeting at one of the two events, please contact us at